What Happens When You Skip Furnace Tune-Ups?

image of an hvac contractor performing annual furnace maintenance

All machines and equipment need maintenance so they can continue running optimally. Furnaces are also included. Professionals recommend yearly HVAC maintenance from professionals to ensure the system operates reliably. Most homeowners are aware that this is necessary, but many still fail to schedule an appointment each year. After all, they may not see anything wrong with their system. The truth is that neglecting annual furnace maintenance results in issues down the line.

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What Happens When You Skip Annual Furnace Maintenance?

This article discusses some of the common problems that arise from neglecting yearly furnace tune-ups.

Related Article: Top 5 Reasons To Have An Annual Furnace Tune-Up

Failure To Address Furnace Problems Early On

Most homeowners may not notice anything wrong with their furnaces. However, trained professionals can spot signs that an amateur would miss. Early diagnosis means that the problem can be resolved early as well. Technicians can do the necessary tasks to prevent issues from worsening. At this stage, repairs are fast, easy, and cheap. Some of the tasks that maintenance includes are cleaning the furnace interiors, changing filters, repairing frayed wires, and more. Regular furnace maintenance can assist in preventing major furnace breakdowns and the need for costly repairs.

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Furnace Breakdowns

feeling chilly due to a furnace breakdown

One reason for a system breakdown is wear and tear. The system cannot run efficiently or provide sufficient heating. If the damaged parts aren’t repaired or replaced immediately, the problem may affect other components. This will drastically reduce the system’s service life. Furnaces can last up to 10 to 15 years. However, ignoring necessary maintenance can shorten your furnace’s lifespan, leading to a premature furnace replacement.

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Fire Risks From Malfunctioning Heating Systems

Without regular maintenance, furnaces can become fire hazards. It is rare for these heaters to cause fires, but it can still happen. Therefore, it should be taken seriously. A furnace fire is usually due to frayed wires.

During a maintenance appointment, HVAC contractors will examine all of the wires to ensure they are in good shape. They can take corrective measures as soon as they find a potentially dangerous issue with your unit. Professional maintenance work can ensure your home will be safer. The help of HVAC technicians means you can use your heating system more confidently and fearlessly. 

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High Home Heating Costs

image of a homeowner calculating bills from home heating

Your system will struggle to meet your household’s heating requirements without annual maintenance. The furnace will run harder to achieve your preferred temperatures, causing it to consume more energy. As a result, higher energy usage will increase your monthly energy bills. Homeowners who do not get furnace maintenance as a means to save money may have to spend more in the long run from the increased home heating costs. You may notice a gradual increase, but it can also be sudden and massive. Invest in a furnace maintenance service so you don’t have to worry about this issue.

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Lower Levels Of Comfort

A new furnace installation offers consistent heating throughout your home, ensuring maximum comfort. Homeowners can feel at ease knowing that every corner of their house will remain cozy. However, as time progresses, you might observe that certain rooms are warmer than others, leading to uneven comfort. While an aging heating system could be a factor, blocked vents are often the primary culprit. Regular maintenance involves technicians meticulously cleaning the vent system to mitigate this problem. HVAC professionals will also address any leaks and guarantee optimal airflow throughout the residence.

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Reduced Indoor Air Quality

image of homeowner using inhaler due to poor air quality at home

The air within the system carries numerous impurities, including dust, mold spores, pollen, and bacteria. Air filters are designed to trap these contaminants, enhancing your home’s air quality. However, over time, these filters can become saturated and less effective. When clogged, they can’t purify the air as efficiently, leading to the circulation of these contaminants throughout your home. This can pose health risks, especially to individuals prone to allergies or respiratory issues. Given its significant impact on health, maintaining a clean air filter is an essential item on the furnace maintenance checklist that should never be overlooked.

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Related Article: Which Is More Efficient, A Fireplace Or Furnace?

Void A Furnace Warranty

Warranties help owners handle repairs without out-of-pocket expenditures. These warranties prevent financial shock from unexpected breakdowns. However, these agreements only remain valid when owners keep their end of the contract. Manufacturer warranties typically include the need for regular professional maintenance. The manufacturer can invalidate the warranty if maintenance isn’t done. Therefore, it is recommended that you schedule a yearly tune-up for your furnace. Be sure to keep all of the maintenance records. This is in case the manufacturer asks for proof of maintenance.

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When To Schedule A Furnace Tune-up

If you haven’t booked your annual furnace maintenance yet, remember that fall is the best time to do it. The weather is still mild, and there are short queues at this time, so don’t wait until winter. Contact your HVAC technician today and schedule your annual furnace maintenance.

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Call Van Varick & Sons For All Your HVAC Needs

For the leading provider of exceptional heating and cooling services in Northern New Jersey, call Van Varick & Sons. We have the best professionally certified technicians specializing in top-notch HVAC repairs, replacements, installations, and tune-ups. All our techs have the knowledge and experience to provide accurate and safe HVAC system services.

Van Varick & Sons guarantees quality and affordable heating and cooling service costs. Our maintenance services can enhance indoor air quality, comfort, and energy efficiency while reducing home heating bills. We can help you find the most suitable and budget-friendly HVAC repair or replacement system. All our work is guaranteed to ensure your satisfaction. Give Van Varick & Sons to schedule a service appointment. We offer free, in-home estimates.

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